The serial # listing provided below is based on the listing on Troy Warnick's site, which is based on information from Jack Taylor's records via Mark Lawrence. I beleive these numbers to be accurate up to the point at which the Works were closed at the end of March 1990. After that point, Norman continued building with some help from Ken, but I have reason to beleive that he may have restarted his serial numbers at a later, arbitrary point (as serial #s as high as 9728 are known to exist, and were built a mere 9 years after the Works closed at around #8620 - which would would indicate a massive workload on Norman!). Pre-serialized rear triangles are known to have existed at the point of Jack's retirement10. The last frame produced at the Works, with all 3 brothers involved, was given the serial # LASTONE8. I have preceded the serial # ranges post March 1990 with a "~" to indicate my belief that these may be estimated numbers. Regardless, all information points to the the serial #s not breaking the 10000 mark prior to Norman's retirement and the absolute end of Jack Taylor production.
You may note a simplification of paint schemes after March of 1990 - Norman found several different people to do the paint, but none seemed to be as capable as Jack. Paint in the post-Works years seems to be mostly plain enamel colors, with few examples in flambouyants, and even fewer with box or lug lining. Also note that on bikes builts in the late 70s and 80s, the paint tends to fade with sun exposure - I'm told this is because the paint that was available then just was not up to par.
Entries listed with a model name in bold type are identified positively as such - all others are as-yet-unidentified models, or custom work. Model designations are assumed to be stock (ie as shown in the catalogue appropriate to the era) unless noted otherwise (ie a Curved Tube is assumed to be path-style with track ends unless noted otherwise). Paint is assumed to be enamel unless listed as "flambouyant" (a subtle metallic to us yanks - finer grain metalflake, and slightly less of it).
If you would like to add your Taylor to this listing, please send me as much as possible of the following:
Frames/bikes with non-sequential serial numbers Frames/bikes with unknown serial numbers (19 entries - please id if one of these is yours - thanks!)