from the original owner of this bike:
here we have beautiful specimen indeed. it is a 1963 jack taylor frame set. it has no name, making me beleive it is a true custom build. the reason I think this is custom is due to the tubing. It uses reynolds 531 but is plain gauge as apposed to butted. It seems this tubing was only used on there tandems. So maybe the original owner speced her a bit heavy because he was heavy? also it has a really unique mount on the fork that seems to be for a dynamo. The sizing is a bit odd too. seat tube is 54cm c-c, the top tube is 58cm c-c. the chainstays are 45cm c-c. comes with a pair of huret shifters they are in excellnt shape. sorry the headset and bb are not included. the frame is in excellent shape for her age. paint is nice and glossy, no dents or dings, no cracks. a few minor scratches is all, and a few of the decals have seen better days.