What's new on this page? (02 Apr 2007)

So, another cataloguing project for me to attack. Why JOS. but not Radios, Soubitez or Cibie or..., I don't know. Anyhow, I've been fond of the design of many of the little lights produced during the 50s & 60s by this French manufacturer for years now, and watched them attain ever more astronomical prices on Ebay, but there seems to be a dearth of information on them online. I've been saving off images of JOS bits for some time now, and decided finally to catalogue them for reference.

So far, this is just a collection of images, as I've never seen a JOS catalogue, or anything beyond Rebour drawings in my old issues of Le Cycliste. I don't think I'm going to be as obsessive with this project as I am with the T.A. page - this will be more of a "Field Guide to JOS lighting", so to speak. Many of the images come from Satoru Matsuda's fine web pages, or from Ebay listings. I'll take the opportunity now to thank Satoru Matsuda and Grant Handley for unknowingly providing me with a good chunk of the image material for this page. Anyone who has further images or information on JOS lighting is heartily encouraged to contact me!

headlights | taillights | dynamos | dynamo blocs | reflectors | other

other JOS links

Satoru Masuda's JOS page

basically the original Japanese version of much of this page.


homepage of JOS, with their current product line.

back to joel's main page
