Critérium des Porteurs de Journaux - 12 Feb 1927

From La Pèdale (France), 09 Feb 1927:

The Critérium des Porteurs de Journaux will take place next Sunday

Next Sunday the Critérium des Porteurs de Journaux will be held, organized by our associates l'Intransigeant with the assistance of l'Echo des Sports and La Pèdale.

Everything leads us to believe that this event will be, as it was last year, a magnificent success. Even though the list of racers must be closed this evening - procrastinators, hurry - we think that there must be very close to two hundred competitors, men and women, who are going to start this small tour of Paris taking with them their collection of newspapers fastened on porte-baggages.

This sporting and utilitarian event recieved serious support everywhere: everyone from whom help was solicited hastened to contribute to its success. The organizers recieved serious support everywhere, many business companies added prizes to the already copious and valuable list. In short, the Critérium des cyclo-porteurs will be simultaneously a big sporting event and big party of this wonderful group headquartered in the Croissant.

Let us wish that the timing proves to be favourable. Let us wish that the best wins and that each of the pedalers finds his reward. We shall then be greatly pleased to have contributed to repeat this idea, and this will be our best reward.
A possible route
For informative purposes, both for the competitors and for the interested sportsman, here is a possible, but - we must repeat - optional, route:

Rue Réaumur no. 100 (office of l'Intransigeant), départ, rue Montmartre, rue du Faubourg-Montmartre, rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, rue Fontaine, rue de Douai, boulevard de Clichy.

Place Clichy, mandatory control. Boulevard des Batignolles, boulevard des Courcelles, place des Ternes, avenue des Ternes, rue Saint-Ferdinand, avenue de la Grande-Armée.

Porte Maillot, mandatory control. Avenue Malakoff, place du Trocadero, rue Franklin, boulevard Delessert, rue Beethoven, avenue de Tokio, pont de Passy, boulevard de Grenelle.

La Motte-Picquet (corner of boulevard de Grenelle and avenue La Motte-Picquet), mandatory control. Boulevard de Grenelle, place Cambronne, boulevard Garibaldi, rue de Sèvres, boulevard de Montparnasse, boulevard de Port-Royal, avenue des Gobelins.

Place d'Italie, mandatory control. Boulevard de la Gare, pont de Bercy, quai de la Rāpée, rue Villiot, rue de Rambouillet, rue Erard, rue de Reuilly, boulevard Diderot.

Place de la Nation, (corner of avenue du Trêne and boulevard de Charonne), mandatory control. Avenue du Trêne, boulevard de Charonne, boulevard de Ménilmontant, boulevard de Belleville.

Belleville (corner of boulevard de Belleville and rue de Belleville), mandatory control. Boulevard de Belleville, boulevard de la Villette.

Jean-Jaures (corner of l'avenue Jean-Jaures and boulevard de la Villette), mandatory control. boulevard de la Villette, boulevard de la Chapelle, boulevard de Rochechouart, boulevard de Clichy.

Place Blanche, mandatory control. Rue Lepic, rue Norvins.

Place du Tertre, Finish.
The Controls
Here is some useful information concerning the organization of controls:

Start Control: Office of l'Intransigeant, 100, rue Réaumur, under the direction of M. Emilien Robert and the sports department of l'Intransigeant with the assistance of Halles Sportive.

Control place Clichy: Au Muguet, 5, place Clichy, under the direction of M. Eugène Lion, with the assistance of l'Etoile Sportive de Paris, Asnières Sportive and l'Association Sportive des Transports.

Control Porte Maillot: Café-Restaurant Trianon (proprietor Descoutures), 80, avenue de la Grande-Armée, under the direction of M. Levacher, with the assistance of la Société Sportive deu Suresnes.

Control La Motte-Picquet: Café du Métre (proprietor Fraboulet), 132, Boulevard de Grenelle, under the direction of M. Schlatter, with the assistance of Vaugirard-Grenelle Sportif and Montparnasse Sportif.

Control place d'Italie: Brasserie-Restaurant Rozès, 20, place d'Italie, under the direction of M. Borson, with the assistance of Lutèce Sportif and Club Sportif de Vanves.

Control Nation: Café de la Nation, 7, avenue du Trêne et 1, boulevard de Charonne, under the direction of M. Jean Gaubert, with the assistance of National Cyclo-Club.

Control Belleville-Temple: A la Vielleuse, 130 et 132, boulevard de Belleville, under the direction of M. Coty, with the assistance of Voltaire Sportif.

Control Villette-Jean-Jaurès: A la Rotonde, 202, boulevard de la Villette (coin de l'avenue Secrétan), under the direction of M. Machard, with the assistance of Vélo-Club du XIXe.

Control place Blanche: Café-Restaurant Coquet, 80, boulevard de Clichy (place Blanche), under the direction of M. Vannest, with the assistance of Montmartre Sportif.

Finish Control: Place du Tertre.
New prizes:
The companies Cicca, Bowden, Brampton, Compagnie Continentale des Fabricants des Sellerie Vélocipédique unite in their great interest in the Critérium des cyclo-porteurs.

They offer the following prizes:

12 deluxe Cicca bells; 6 special Cicca horns for porteurs; 3 Cicca acetelyne lanterns; 1 heavy-duty Brown saddle; 1 Lamplugh saddle; 1 Bauriat saddle; 1 L'Inextensible saddle; 1 Perfector saddle; 6 "Touriste Bowden" brakes; 6 Brampton chains.

Or, in total, 38 prizes which will be divided between the racers who will have been least fortunate and least likely to have shared in the distribution of numerous prizes already announced.

Sportas offers six bottles of "Kina des As".

M. Jules Perquel, chairman of the journal Le Capital, offers, for the first of his porteurs in each category, the following primes:

Open category: 200 francs
Veterans category: 200 francs
Women's category: 100 francs

These prizes can be claimed by their winners from a representative of the journal at the finish, place du Tertre.

Le Petit Parisien offers 3 prizes valued at 200 francs to its top 3 finishers.

Finally, Cinzano offers 12 bottles of its delicious apéritif.
To sign up
The registry of entrants is at the disposal of future competitors, at the Café de la Grille, 121, rue Montmartre.

Let us recall that no entry can be recorded if it is not accompanied by the entry fee of 5 francs, which is refundable. Let us also firmly specify that the fact of being registered does not imply the acceptance of the competitor, the questions of qualification remaining within the exclusive domain of the technical Commission.

Note that registration will be closed this evening, Wednesday, February 9th.
At the finish
The finish of the Championnat des cyclo-porteurs is assured by the Club Sportif du Vieux-Montmartre, at place du Tertre. To accompany the racers, l'Harmonio de l'Independance de Montmartre, conducted by MM. Keller, Linden, Huet et Pierrot, will perform their best pieces, with 30 performers.

A space, with a heated hall, which will have medical personel who were kind enough to help out, while keeping their anonymity, will be installed in maison Beynat, in front of the Saint-Pierre church.

In front of the finish, in the hall of the Club Sportif du Vieux-Montmartre, 10, rue Norvins, will be displayed the cup intended for the first of the cyclo-porteurs. An drink of honor will be given by Sportas; the winner, the first of the injured and the first of the veterans will accept a bottle of champagne from the president of the Club, Peterson.

The officials and the press will find Môssieu the mayor of the Commune libre du Vieux-Montmartre, at maison Catherine, place du Tertre.

The unofficial cars should reach the top of the Butte via rue Lepic, at the corner of the Moulin de la Galette, the rues Girardon, de l'Abreuvoir, des Saules, Cortot and Mont-Cêniset and form a line in front of Sacré-C¦ur by the rue Saint-Eleuthère.

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